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High-voltage lines on steel structures with wires against the background of the sky with clouds

Electrification of the world

Following a decline in demand for electricity over the last two decades, we are now at a turning point. The electrification of heating systems, increasing electromobility, industrial automation and power-intensive data centers are just a few examples.

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«We are experiencing a difficult phase of deglobalisation»

We are currently in a difficult phase of deglobalisation, says Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Harold James in his Reichmuth & Co Lecture No. 24 on 17 June 2024 in the packed auditorium of the University of Zurich.

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Automation in the industry

On May 7, 2024, we were guests at Komax in Dierikon with interested investors. We have been investing in Swiss second-line stocks through our equity fund Reichmuth Pilatus since 1996. Komax has been listed on the Swiss stock exchange since 1997 and we bought Komax shares for the first time in January 1999.

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Market commentary 3rd quarter 2024

With the start of the European Football Championship, Dr. Matthias Ramser and Marc Strub discuss where similarities lie in the considerations of a head coach and a portfolio manager.

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Market commentary 2nd quarter 2024

Since the beginning of the year, only four of the seven technology stocks that dominated last year have outperformed the market. This means that market concentration has increased further.

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Market commentary 1st quarter 2024

After a pleasing investment year in 2023, we also expect a good investment environment for the new year. The US economy remains robust and inflation will decrease in the future.

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Market outlook 2024 – «Sic transit gloria mundi»

Recording of our "Market Outlook 2024"

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Globally demanded competencies from Central Switzerland

At the beginning of September, we visited Daetwyler Holding in Schattdorf with interested investors. With this event format, we give our guests a direct insight into the company in which they are investing. Thus, they can get a personal impression of the management on site.

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Market Commentary 4th Quarter 2023

After a strong start to the year, the summer months were, as usual, rather quiet on the financial markets. However, increasingly strong divergences in economic terms are becoming apparent.

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