Retirement and pension planning

Retirement planning is and remains one of the core pillars of our life cycle. We would be happy to advise you throughout all stages of your life to help you preserve your wealth over generations.

Life cycle

Income maintenance

Age 30 to 40

The accumulation and protection of income lays the groundwork for your future path in life and allows you to take initial action in the field of pension provision. Let us help you take the first steps!

Asset accumulation

Age 40 to 50

Through our integral approach, we design the appropriate retirement provision structures, tailored to your overall asset situation. You benefit from tax optimisation, individual management retirement provision with no cross-subsidisation and flexible vested benefit accounts with individual investment options.

Pension planning

Age 50 to 65

Retirement and succession planning is tailored to your needs so you have a firm basis for taking decisions in later life.

Smart estate planning

Age 50+

Planning our estate is something we all need to address. We can assist you produce a tailor-made concept and all the associated paperwork, bringing clarity for you and your loved ones.

Asset transfer

Age 65+

We support you in the early transfer of assets that you want optimised for tax purposes, regardless of whether you want to bequeath them, give them away, or put them in a foundation.


Marcel Roos


+41 41 249 80 25


High-voltage lines on steel structures with wires against the background of the sky with clouds

Electrification of the world

Following a decline in demand for electricity over the last two decades, we are now at a turning point. The electrification of heating systems, increasing electromobility, industrial automation and power-intensive data centers are just a few examples.

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«We are experiencing a difficult phase of deglobalisation»

We are currently in a difficult phase of deglobalisation, says Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Harold James in his Reichmuth & Co Lecture No. 24 on 17 June 2024 in the packed auditorium of the University of Zurich.

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Automation in the industry

On May 7, 2024, we were guests at Komax in Dierikon with interested investors. We have been investing in Swiss second-line stocks through our equity fund Reichmuth Pilatus since 1996. Komax has been listed on the Swiss stock exchange since 1997 and we bought Komax shares for the first time in January 1999.

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